Greenhouse peppers prevent anthrax and powdery mildew

At present, when the temperature is high or low, the anthracnose and powdery mildew in greenhouses are relatively common. However, these two diseases are easy to be mixed together and must be differentiated during the prevention and treatment.


1. Disease characteristics The disease mainly damages the leaves and fruits, especially mature fruits and old leaves are vulnerable. The lesions on the leaf blade were initially whitish and stained, gradually turning brownish and round, with grayish white in the middle and black dots on the upper surface. The diseased leaves are easily detached (the vegetable farmers call it eucalyptus), and the lesions are brown, water stains, oblong or irregular shapes, depressions, slightly raised concentric rings, and are covered in countless blacks. Small spots, moisturizing discoloration rims around the edges, dry spots shrink like parchment, and are easily broken. The disease is prone to occur when the average temperature is 26°C~33°C and the relative humidity is greater than 95%. The disease incubation period is 3 days, and the drainage is poor.

2. Agricultural control greenhouses Pepper cultivation should be avoided as much as possible, the best with melons, legumes for 2 to 3 years of rotation. Seed dressing before seeding, effective agents such as prochloraz. The cultivation of greenhouses is best to use high-bay cultivation, to avoid over-population, and a drainage ditch should be opened outside the shed. When the temperature is high and humidity is high, it should be ventilated and ventilated in due course at around noon. The disease was found to be removed in time to prevent the spread of pathogens in the greenhouse.

3. Agents with good preventive and control effects include 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times or 22.5% picoxystrobin suspension 800 to 1000 times liquid, 42.8% fluoxetine suspension 1000 to 1500 times, 25% Prochloramine EC 2000~3000, 22.7% DCC 800~1000, 10% Difenoconazole 800~1000 spray, every 7~10 days 1 Times, continuous spray 2 ~ 3 times, it is best to use different types of drugs alternately.

Second, powdery mildew

1. Disease characteristics The disease mainly damages the leaves, old leaves and young leaves can be victimized. Most of the leaves appear irregularly shaped chlorotic spots or necrotic spots. The lesions can spread to the surrounding area. Sparse mildew layer can be seen on the back of leaves, and white filaments are intertwined (easy to distinguish from anthrax). Necrotic lesions extended in a dilated, infiltrated form, with a dark brown water-stained appearance. In the initial stage, the white back layer was not prone to appear white, and even later, the mold layer was thin. In the greenhouse, there are often two symptoms that occur mixedly. The lesions increase and merge with each other to form large lesions. In this case, the whole leaves yellow and fall off. In severe cases, only the top leaves are left and the fruits do not expand normally. Pepper powdery mildew only takes about 20 hours from germination to invasive leaves, so it spreads rapidly after onset and can cause widespread epidemics in the short term. The optimum temperature for pathogen invasion is 20°C~25°C and relative humidity is 45%~75%. After mid-April or late April, the high temperature and high humidity conditions in the greenhouse are most likely to cause epidemics. Greenhouse control of pepper powdery mildew, etc. found after the drug, the control effect is poor, so it should be based on prevention.

2. Agricultural control found that diseased and diseased leaves were cleared early, buried deeply or burned, and plant residues were promptly removed after harvest. 1 to 2 years of rotation with other vegetable crops to deepen the sun and accelerate the death of pathogens. The seed was sterilized by soaking in warm water at 55°C for 15 minutes. The loam soil that had not been peppered for 3 years was selected as bed soil and the seedbed was sterilized with carbendazim or thiophanate-methyl. 7 days in advance of the nursery greenhouse, planting temperature shed fumigation, per 100 square meters with sulfur powder 0.25 kg, 0.5 kg of sawdust, lit several hours to ignite a closed day and night. Proper planting, 3600~4000 plants per acre, planting a single plant. High ridge cultivation, adequate irrigation, ground ventilation, maintaining the relative humidity of the air at about 60%, try to avoid drying out. Increase organic fertilizers and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to promote robust plant growth and increase resistance to disease.

3. In the early stage of disease prevention, spray with 25% triadimefon WP 1000 times solution or 50% carbendazim 500 times solution, spray once every 7 days, and spray 2~3 times. You can also use 22% chlorothalonil aerosol fumigation 300 to 400 grams per acre. It is advisable to spray chlorothalonil, fluorosiliconazole, difenoconazole and other sprays in conjunction with the control of other diseases when the peppers are in fruit, once every 7 days, for 2 to 3 consecutive times. If the humidity in the booth is high or in continuous cloudy and rainy conditions, smoke can be smoked with 45% chlorothalonil smoke agent 250 grams per acre, once every 7 to 10 days, and continuously controlled 2 or 3 times.

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Freeze-Dried RT-PCR Test Reagent Kit Of COVID-19(ORF1ab,N)

The Freeze-Dried RT-PCR Test Reagent Kit is a real-time reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 in nasopharyngeal swabs, oropharyngeal (throat) swabs, anterior nasal swabs, mid-turbinate nasal swabs, nasal aspirates, nasal washes, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and sputum from individuals suspected of COVID-19 by their healthcare provider. Results are for the identification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. The SARS-CoV-2 RNA is generally detectable in respiratory specimens during the acute phase of infection.

Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease. Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses.

Negative results do not preclude SARS-CoV-2 infection and should not be used as the sole basis for patient management decisions. Negative results must be combined with clinical observations, patient history, and epidemiological information.

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