Li Qiu health should not be a large number of nourishing tonic

Even though Liqiu marks the beginning of autumn, the temperature is usually still high during the period immediately after the beginning of autumn. The humidity of the air is still very high. People not only do not feel Qiuliang and Qiuzao, but are full of hot and humid feeling. In addition, people often suffer from weakened spleen and stomach function during the summer because of bitter summer or over-drinking cold drinks. At this time, if a large number of supplements are eaten, especially overly nourishing yin products, the burden on the spleen and stomach will be further aggravated. The "weak" stomach and intestines cannot afford it at once, leading to digestive disorders. Therefore, it should not be too tiring to supplement the early autumn tonic.

The so-called "Qingbu" mainly refers to making up but not greasy, specifically, it is appropriate to eat some foods or medicines that have spleen, heat, and dampness. On the one hand, the evils of dampness and heat in the body can be discharged from the urine to eliminate summer days. The "aftereffects" of the summer heat, on the other hand, can regulate the function of the spleen and stomach and lay the foundation for mid-late autumn and even winter tonics. At this point may wish to drink some mung bean porridge, lotus leaf porridge, red bean porridge, red jujube lotus porridge, yam porridge and other food. For some friends with weak spleen and stomach and indigestion, it is necessary to “clear the boundaries” with ginseng products such as antler and ejiao. Otherwise, it is very easy to aggravate symptoms such as poor appetite and indigestion. If the debilitating person properly drinks some glutinous rice porridge and lentil porridge with the effect of spleen and dampness, it will be of great benefit to the body.

Although the weather is cooler every day after the early autumn, there are often "Autumn Tigers" coming. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, if there is high temperature, sunny weather, persistent drought, and air drying, “dryness” is not invited. It often damages the body's body fluids, causing dry skin, red tongue, less fluid, dry hair, dry stool, and mouth. Nasopharyngeal dryness, chest pain, dry cough, less phlegm and other symptoms. In late autumn, dryness hurts the lungs and makes people cough thin, dry lips, and stuffy nose. However, whether it is warm or dry, it is characterized by dry skin and lack of body fluids. In order to prevent Qiuzao, middle and late autumn should eat some drugs or foods that are mild in nature and have nourishing yin and moistening, and nourish the lungs and fluids, such as stewing rock candy with white fungus or black fungus; taking yuba and sand with duck and taking soup together; Fry black sesame seeds, grind into powder and transfer with honey. In order to prevent Qiuzao, it may be appropriate to eat some fruits, among which pear and sugarcane are the first choices, and secondly, such as wolfberry, banana, and wolfberry are also good moistening properties. However, those with spleen deficiency and heavy diarrhea, those with cold lungs and cough, and those who stick to sticks should not eat the above fruits.

We need to remind everyone that the autumn tonic should be based on clearing and supplementing. In addition to Yang deficiency, do not eat too much warm food or drugs, such as lamb, dog, ginseng, pilose antler, cinnamon, etc., otherwise it is easy to increase the Qiuzao. In addition, the autumn tonic should also vary from person to person, therefore, for the weak, with chronic diseases friends, it is best under the guidance of a doctor dialectical tonic, in order to achieve a multiplier effect.


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