What kind of sunstroke do you eat?

It's hot summers and hot summers. People often take cold drinks and cold foods such as juices and sorbets as their baby for cooling off. In fact, the summer heatstroke cooling baby should be the following:

Salt water: Chinese medicine called "Bloom water is the king of 100 medicine." From a nutrition point of view, any sugar-sweetened beverage is not as valuable as plain boiled water because pure boiled water can be rapidly absorbed by the stomach after entering the body, enters the blood circulation to exert metabolic functions, and simultaneously regulates body temperature and cleans the human body. Drinking boiled water should be followed by the natural cooling of fresh cold boiled water (20 °C to 25 °C). This boiled water has specific biological activity and is easily penetrated into the cell membrane and is quickly absorbed and utilized. It is best to add some salt when you drink plain water. Summer heat, excessive sweating, salt reduction in the body, the body's osmotic pressure will lose stability, resulting in heat stroke, and drink more salt water or salt tea, you can add the body lost salt, so as to achieve heatstroke effect.

Tea: Experienced health practitioners often instruct people to use potassium to drink tea. Potassium is an important trace element in the human body. Potassium can maintain the normal function of nerves and muscles, especially the normal movement of the myocardium. If potassium is lacking, people will feel tired and fatigue, and their heat resistance will be reduced. When potassium deficiency is severe, it can lead to arrhythmias and systemic muscle weakness. Tea contains more potassium, accounting for about 1.5% of its weight. Potassium is easily excreted with sweat, and tea with a suitable temperature should be the preferred beverage in summer.

Vinegar: In summer, people drink more water, and their stomach acid decreases accordingly, which reduces appetite. Appropriate vinegar can increase the concentration of stomach acid, stimulate appetite and help digestion. If you add some vinegar when cooking, you can increase the concentration of stomach acid, thereby increasing appetite. Summer is the epidemic season of intestinal infectious diseases, and jealousy can also increase the bactericidal effect of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, if you add a few drops of vinegar when cooking, it will reduce the loss of vitamin C in vegetables, but also conducive to the absorption of iron in food.

Mung bean soup: Mung bean soup has a unique summer heat effect. Chinese medicine believes that mung bean has the effect of relieving summer heat, clearing away heat, detoxifying, thirst-quenching, diuresis and swelling, and can prevent heat stroke. The relevant experiments showed that mung bean has a significant effect on the treatment of atherosclerosis, reducing blood cholesterol and protecting the liver. The only downside is that mung bean is too cold, and physically weak people are unfit for human consumption.

Bitter Gourd: Some people regard watermelon as a treasure for summer heat. In fact, theoretically speaking, the most appetizing, refreshing, melon-like food is bitter gourd. In ancient times, people in our country have the experience of "bitterness can clear heat" and "bitter taste can help the stomach." Chinese medicine believes that bitter gourd is bitter, cold, and capable of clearing away heat and purging fire. The bitter taste of bitter gourd can stimulate the body's saliva and secretion of gastric juice after eating. It will increase the appetite, heat and heatstroke, so summer bitter gourd is suitable. The use of fresh bitter gourd juice or Jiantang, the liver fire red, stomach hot polydipsia, epigastric pain, hot and humid dysentery, are all assisted diet. Bitter melon brewed herbal tea, refreshing and refreshing after drinking.

Ren Dan: The main ingredients are mint ice, talc, catechu, clove, woody, fennel, villosum, tangerine peel and so on. It has the effect of clearing heat and removing heat and avoiding phlegm and vomiting. It is a commonly used medicine for summer heatstroke protection. Mainly used for headaches caused by high temperatures, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, water and soil not satisfied. This medicine can promote intestinal peristalsis and relieve intestinal cramps. Heat stroke, acute gastroenteritis, and cough should be taken more often.

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