Mangsheng Solar Health Five Ways

After the Mang species had passed, the hot and humid air apparently weighed up. Professor Chi Xiaoling, the heir to the academic experience of national Chinese medicine practitioners and the Director of the Department of Liver Diseases of the Guangdong Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, pointed out that the mans health should be reduced to cool drink to avoid damage to the spleen and stomach. When in air-conditioned rooms, attention should be paid to adjusting the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor to prevent “air conditioning disease”. "happened.

Dietary care should reduce acid and increase bitterness, kidney to help the lungs, conditioning stomach, you can eat light, easy to digest food, you can eat more "melon" foods, such as bitter gourd, zucchini, cucumber, wax gourd, papaya, watermelon, Cantaloupe, as well as green beans, leeks, cilantro, tomatoes, yam, Atractylodes and so on.


Spleen Liver Lily Peach

Physical features: pale complexion, small head, long face, broad shoulders, back straight, weak body, hand-foot flexible.

Diet nursed back to health: should serve the spleen Qi, Yang Yin Sheng Jin foods, such as peaches, watermelons, melons, cucumbers, mung beans, fungus, Polygonatum, Coix, Lily and so on.

Medicinal diet can choose "Ling Lily": 30 grams of barley, lily 30 grams, 250 grams. Wash the coix seed and lily, make it thoroughly with lukewarm water, rinse it with peel, and cut it from the center. Put the wolfberry, barley, and 100% into the pot, add the appropriate amount of water, place it over a hot fire, and stew for 45 minutes. Can spleen, nourishing Yin, heat.


Yang Yin Sheng Jin "Family" headed

Physical characteristics: The skin is red, the back muscles are generous, the face is thin, the head is small, the back and back are well-proportioned, and the hands and feet are small, the feet are stable, and the anxious.

Diet to restore health: should eat food to raise Yin Sheng Jin, such as Rhizoma Imperatae, watermelon, melon, tomatoes, mung beans, melon, fungus, loofah and so on.

Medicinal diet can choose "luffula porridge": 1 fresh loofah, 100 grams of rice, a little sugar. The fresh loofah is peeled and simmered; the glutinous rice is panned and cleaned. The glutinous rice into the pot, fresh loofah cut into 2 cm thick, 1 cm thick pieces, into the pot, add appropriate amount of water, put the fire on the boiling water, and then simmer cooked into porridge, adding sugar Serve. Fresh loofah tenderizer can not go to pick up, directly cut into pieces to do porridge. It has the functions of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and meridians, and moisturizing the skin.

Soil-shaped people

Anti-moist heat and trapped spleen "Five-leaf reed drink" best

Physical characteristics: yellow skin, round face, large head, rich shoulders, large abdomen, thigh to fleas are born sturdy, hands and feet are not large, full muscle.

Dietary Nursing: Avoid overeating to prevent damage to the spleen and stomach. It is advisable to eat foods that are good for the spleen, heat and dampness, such as lotus leaf, leeks, rhizoma imperatae, reed rhizome, alfalfa, melon, tomato, watermelon, and papaya.

Medicinal diet can choose "five reed rhizome drink": banyuxiang leaves, mint leaves, lotus leaf 3 grams each, medlar leaves, fresh reed root, peland leaves each 30 grams, 60 grams of melon, sugar amount. Wash the material, first with the leaves, melon soup Jianshui about 500ml, and then add other drugs with the fried for 10 minutes, transferred to sugar Serve. Aromatic wet, spleen wake up the stomach effect.

Gold person

Spleen and Qi qi

Physical characteristics: relatively thin body shape, but the shoulders are wide, square face, straight nose wide mouth, lean limbs, quick action, white complexion.

Diet to restore health: should be spleen, Qi, yin-based food or dual-use food products, such as barley, Adenophora, lily, leeks, medlar leaves, fungus, longan, papaya, coconut, sweet melon and so on.

Medicinal diet can choose "porridge almond porridge": 30 grams of Coix seed, almond 10 grams, 100 grams of rice, a little rock sugar. Wash the barley, glutinous rice, almond peeled and washed. First, add glutinous rice and glutinous rice to the pot, add appropriate amount of water, and boil it over high heat, boil it until it's half-cooked, put it in almonds, and cook it over a slow fire until it's cooked. Add the rock sugar to serve. Spleen dampness, liver repair effect.

Shui Xingren

Huai Mountain can be hot and humid

Physical characteristics: body shape is relatively fat, short, head is larger, wider ankle, abdomen is larger, darker skin color, slightly larger waist and hip, short fingers, dense and dark, afraid of cold and warm.

Diet nursed back to health: should eat spleen dampness of the goods, such as yam, heterophylla, Atractylodes, Poria, mung bean, wax gourd, leeks, loquat leaves, papaya, coconut, sweet melon and so on.

Medicinal diet can choose "Coix seed bean soup": Yiyiren, red beans, 30 grams each, red dates 5, 1 spoonful of sugar. Before the 2 flavors wash wok, add 2 bowls of water, simmer for 1 hour on a low heat, add red dates, sugar, cook for 30 minutes until the beans rotten away from the fire, when the snacks to eat. Can heat, spleen, dampness, Liver.

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